...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

May 04, 2005

Idiots Shouldn't Breed

So Cameran Diaz and Ashton Kutcher Timberlake are finally getting married?! Well, i sure hope they don't breed.

And i'd like to get in on the divorce pool, too. i'll pick sixteen months.

While their eventual breakup is a metaphysical certainty, i'm still waiting for Cameren to recant her ridiculously ugly prediction, made on the Ofrah show last year, that if women didn't vote (i.e. if Bush won) rape would become legal in the United States.

Well, as far as i am aware, the Rape Legalization Act has yet to be introduced into either house of Congress, despite the Republican majorities and the religious theocracy i keep hearing about. Oh, and i'm still waiting for Cher's prediction to come true. You know the one where we Republicans are supposed to round up all her gay friends and exile them to some remote state somewhere.

Still waiting. Idiots.

Posted by annika, May. 4, 2005 |
Rubric: Celebrity Watch


Rape legalization? Gay exile? That's outrageous!
That's like Charlton Heston saying the government's going to take our guns away!


Posted by: Preston on May. 4, 2005

i would go for the part about rounding up cher and exiling her someplace like......kishnev.

Posted by: louielouie on May. 4, 2005

Can we exile all of Hollywood to, say, Antartica?

Posted by: Mark on May. 4, 2005

Um, the Rape Legalization Act was passed a long time ago. It was codified as the 16th Amendment. :)

Seriously though, implausible rationalizations abound on both sides. if Bush is elected rape will be legal. That contrasts nicely with "if drugs are legalized we'll have 12 year olds hooked on crack" (newsflash - 12 year olds can get most drugs easier than I can). Occassionally both sides will adopt the same idiotic argument (like "let's declare schools gun free zones to make our kids safe" which results in making murderers more safe, not kids).

It does seem the celebreties that lean left of Stalin are more prone to make such statements, but I'm wondering if that's due to the frequency of leftleaning celebreties making such statements, or the press using anything they can to further their goals.

(note: an abreviation of celebreties tripped your comment blocker. It seems mine does the same thing with sociali (ahem) st. lol)

Posted by: Publicola on May. 4, 2005

Maybe I missed it, but I've never heard a Republican celebrity threaten to leave the country if a liberal were elected. "If Michael Dukakis is elected President, I'm moving to Austria."???

Posted by: Ontario Emperor on May. 4, 2005

Ya know Pubes, you always lose me at the gratuitous generalization that really doesn't work if any thought is applied. I've never heard ANY conservative say such a thing about crack. In fact, WFB the Godfather of conservatism, has been advocating legalization for over thirty years.

The left is unequivically the home of the overwhelming majority of nutballs in this culture. You are dismissed.

Posted by: Casca on May. 4, 2005

I've heard many republicans & a few conservatives make similar arguments (12 year olds on crack), most recently Hugh Hewitt about two days ago. But thanks fo sharing your anecdotal misconceptions.

What may be tripping you up though is that the left's criticisms of the right are usually assinine, whereas the right's criticisms of the left are usually fairly accurate. It's the right's criticisms of the right that seems (to me at least) give occassion to implausible arguments. & since the press has no interests in one right sided argument over another, perhaps this explains the lack of coverage. Hence the left get all the attention for saying idiotic things while the right goes unnoticed.

I could be mistaken, but that seems plausible from what I've observed.

Oh, another recent one: Bush calling the Minuteman Project a group of vigilantes. Course the left has made similar arguments but we're talking about the right being at times just as bad as the left.

Posted by: Publicola on May. 5, 2005

As for rounding up the gays, well, it's a new department under Immigration and they're not well funded. I think the van is scheduled to get to Hollywood sometime in April of 2077.

Posted by: Ted on May. 5, 2005

"Maybe I missed it, but I've never heard a Republican celebrity threaten to leave the country if a liberal were elected."

Where would they go for their low-tax, bill of rights-free paradise? Russia? Kazakhstan?

Posted by: Preston on May. 5, 2005

Like I said... bored stiff by the second sentence.

Posted by: Casca on May. 5, 2005