Annika's Journal Farewell Tour, Part IV: Searches, We Got Searches
I've seen lots of bloggers post their search terms for a laugh, but I've never done it. Until now.
Here are some of the most recent Google searches that brought people here, according to my Sitemeter.
- hot tub girl
- jessica alba feet (from Italian Google)
- imus & andy joke
- nancy sun, naked
- cher 2007
- crazy subaru
- strappy shoes (from British Google)
- fortune cookie
- favorite flowers of marie antoinette
- brittany goes
- hot nude blondes videos (which took them here, to a post I called "Hardball Hardon")
- sexy naked (which took them, coincidentally, to the same post)
- hot naked stuff (you guessed it, same post)
- brad p (which yielded this bit of comedy)
- rosie o'donald coors beer (ha! they misspelled it like I do!)
- ugly bird (which led hilariously, to this picture)
- lindsay lohan's email- address (lol, I'll never be rid of 'em)
- ugly fucking bird (haha! love the emphasis)
- how to make a dna model
- pregnant babes (an image search, which led to who else? Brittany)
- kirsten dunst being beheaded in marie antoinette
- sarah james is a fashion designer even though shes a poet and she dont know cuz her toes show it cuz theyre longfellows:-
That last one is inexplicably strange, but true.
Posted by annika, Apr. 27, 2007 |
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