...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

November 21, 2006

Size Matters... Even Underwater

Another study, which confirms the obvious. Females prefer males with bigger gonopodia.

Data in hand, Langerhans exposed about 50 females, one at a time, to video images of a male of average proportions at one end of an aquarium and an outsized male at the other end.

"They chose the larger one over and over," Langerhans said. "All females had the same preference."

Don't feel bad though guys, the study also suggests that you might be able to solve your little problem by simply moving to a "predator free environment."
"We found that in predator-free environments gonopodia size was larger, as there is minimal cost for large genitalia in that environment," Langerhans said. For the record, the sex organs of the predator-free guppies were 15 percent longer, on average.
Oh yah, I forgot to mention it. The study was done on fish.

Posted by annika, Nov. 21, 2006 | TrackBack (0)
Rubric: Sex Please


Proving that even in the animal kingdom, females are cruel creatures that mock their males. Next up...studies show that female fish prefer males with gold cards :P

Posted by: Douglas on Nov. 21, 2006

So what if it was made on fish? It's just as relevant on people! You know what they say about women and ... gonopodias : some like it big, some like it huge :)

Posted by: discount leather sofa on Nov. 24, 2006

It would be better to study that on experimental rats.

Posted by: Selina on Nov. 28, 2006