...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

October 06, 2004

Law Students Can Be So Competitive

If you had been in the cafeteria today, you might have overheard a conversation that went something like this:

"Hey Quan, where've you been?"

"Oh . . . uh . . . hi Annika."

"i haven't seen you in, like, weeks. Where'd you go? i thought you quit after the test or something."

"No . . . uh . . . I just moved seats."

"You did? What for?"


"Didn't you like sitting behind me?"

"Well . . . uh . . . to be honest . . .uh . . . I had to move."

"Oh come on. What, did i smell bad?"

"No . . . uh . . . no it's just . . . uhh . . . "

"You're fucking kidding me. Quan? You're kidding, right?"

". . . uhhh no it's not . . ."

"Please tell me you're fucking shitting me. Aren't you Quan? i really smell bad?"

"No . . . uh . . . you see it's . . . uhhh . . ."

"What the fuck? Just tell me!"

"It's . . . uh whenever you wore those uh blue warm-up pants . . . it got . . . uh . . . kinda distracting uhh . . . 'cause I could see your uh . . . your . . . uhh . . ."

"Oh . . . well . . . uh . . . sorry about that . . . uh . . . Quan . . . i uhh . . . "

"No problem, Annika. Don't worry about it."

The lesson to be learned from that little vignette is this: When the professor grades on a curve, consider converting butt cleavage into extra points.

Posted by annika, Oct. 6, 2004 |
Rubric: annik-dotes


You have no idea how familiar that story sounds. Back in first-year torts . . .

But it'd be really nice if you could fix all the " " stuff. It'd make the post a lot easier to read.

Posted by: Matt on Oct. 6, 2004

What was supposed to be inside those quotes was "& n b s p" (without the spaces).

Posted by: Matt on Oct. 6, 2004

Quan is clearly the slave of his masturbatory fantasies.

Posted by: Casca on Oct. 6, 2004

"Quan is clearly the slave of his masturbatory fantasies."

yea blame the guy for this god given hormones.

not blame the woman for sexual harrasment....

Posted by: cube on Oct. 7, 2004

Poor Quan.
But it's still funny.

Posted by: ken on Oct. 7, 2004

Um, isn't there a problem with the plan due to blind grading?

I have to admit, I'd probably would have been in Quan's situation, but for having OC standards while going to school in SF. :)

Posted by: Tony on Oct. 7, 2004

Aha, Tony, see the beauty of the plan is that it doesn't involve the professor at all. The key is to distract the competition in order to lower the curve and thus move one's self up in rank comparatively. And theoretically, of course.

Posted by: annika! on Oct. 7, 2004

How deliciously devious of you.

Posted by: Tony on Oct. 8, 2004