...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

June 29, 2004

Real Strawberries

Last night i had a bowl of real strawberries, the likes of which i've never tasted my entire life. And i'm a big strawberry fan, too. But the store bought kind are like plastic compared to the kind you can get at a roadside stand out here in the Big Valley.

Sherry brought home four of those little green baskets full of the freshest, reddest, most perfect looking berries ever. Eating one was like drinking pure strawberry juice. Like being in heaven. Inside, they were the color of blood, and not a bit of white anywhere. I ate them like candy.

Later, we sliced them up and smothered them over bowls of vanilla ice cream, with chocolate sauce drizzled on top. That was dinner. Then, at night, i dreamed about more strawberries.

Posted by annika, Jun. 29, 2004 |
Rubric: annik-dotes


Time to watch The Caine Mutiny (again or for the first time): now you'll really have a sense of just why Bogie was so obsessed with them. ;-)

Posted by: Dave J on Jun. 29, 2004

I'll be driving up north for the Independence Day weekend. You can bet I'll be hitting a road side stand or two, looking for exactly what you have described here... yum.

Posted by: Hugo on Jun. 29, 2004