...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

May 20, 2004

Withdrawal Symptoms

Must . . . have . . . Candied . . . Ginger . . . can't . . . go . . . on . . . without . . .

Posted by annika, May. 20, 2004 |
Rubric: On The Blogosphere


Girl, you have no idea how much we are feeling that pain right now... No idea...

Posted by: candace on May. 20, 2004

i'm glad i'm not the only one to be big on ginger.

i'm down to my last piece - no kidding - and the damn supermarket was out last time i was there, so i am starting to fret. clearly, if the supermarket can sell out of frosted ginger, there is a very good reason to stock up on it, mr supermarket man. don't make that mistake again, ok?

i wasn't aware that i had a ginger... 'thing' until my bf pointed out that i had four different kinds of ginger in my pantry.

i wonder if they make a ginger patch, you know, like a nicotine patch...

Posted by: wegglywoo on May. 20, 2004

[imagine my embarrassment when i realised that candied ginger is a blog; it must be ginger fever that's got a hold of me... not that it was hard to figure out, once i'd followed the link and all]

Posted by: wegglywoo on May. 20, 2004

Thanks dear, we are dying too. I don't know what we are going to do if it's not back soon.

Posted by: ginger on May. 21, 2004

LOL, it's okay weggly, i do that all the time. BTW, the best part of sushi dinner is the ginger, i think.

Ginger was one of the first commenters to my blog, way back when. i remember when i saw her comment, i was so excited, i tried googling for her blog but all i got were recipes and a restaurant somewhere back east.

Posted by: annika! on May. 21, 2004