...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

May 18, 2004

Recommended Reading

Another great, and historical reference laden, post at Belmont Club:

It was during the Vietnam War that the Left first discovered the potential war-winning ability of media coverage. The concept itself is merely an extension of the blitzkrieg notion that the enemy command structure, not his troop masses, are the true center of gravity on the battlefield. During the campaign of 1940, Heinz Guderian's panzers bypassed many French formations, leaving them unfought, knowing that if their command structure were severed, the whole musclebound mass would fall to the ground headless. What the Left gradually discovered during the course of the Vietnam war was that Guderian had not been bold enough. Guderian still felt it necessary to win on the battlefield. He had not realized that it was possible to ignore the battlefield altogether because it was the enemy political structure, not his military capability, that was the true center of gravity of an entire campaign. It was General Giap during the Vietnam War who first planned a military operation entirely around its possible media effect. The Tet offensive was a last desperate attempt to gain the upper hand in a war he was losing.

. . .

Although Giap failed in every military respect, he succeeded in providing the press with the raw material necessary to alter the dynamics of American domestic politics. While he could not alter reality, the Giap could alter the perception of reality enough to give anti-war politicians a winning hand which they played it to the hilt.

. . .

But whereas General Giap was forced to rely on the Western media to carry his message home, modern day Jihadis have decided to create their own media outlets like Al Jazeera to shape public opinion. Moreover, they have extended proven methods of intimidating the Western media, described by CNN's Eason Jordan in his article in the New York Times to a standard operation of war. This set up a clash between two forces, one enjoying a preponderance in every area of military capability and skill but failing to recognize news coverage as a strategic weapon; and another whose military strategy was literally made for television.

It's long. Go read it, nonetheless.

Link via the most evillest of professors.

Also, do check out Hugo's post on feminist responses to Abu Ghraib, very much worth your while.

Posted by annika, May. 18, 2004 |
Rubric: On The Blogosphere


I went to read Hugo's post, and when I headed into the comments section, something funny happened. I started reading the first comment and started nodding my head, and then I saw that it was you. I kept reading, and when I came to another comment that made me nod, I scrolled a bit and it was you again! Ha. I like what you have to say.

Posted by: Sarah on May. 19, 2004

The feeling is mutual, Sarah!

Posted by: annika on May. 19, 2004