...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

November 02, 2008

California Voters Guide

As is my tradition, here are my ballot initiative recommendations for California voters.

Proposition 1A: SAFE RELIABLE HIGH-SPEED PASSENGER TRAIN BOND ACT. Here's a surprise. I have my hard and fast rule about bond measures* and I'm going to make an exception for this one. I like rail. This measure would help fund a high speed rail line connecting northern and southern California. Transportation alternatives are always a good thing, and I'm going against my rule because this type of infrastructure improvement cannot be done without public financing. Plus this is the type of system Europeans know and love, and since Obama's going to turn us into a European style socialist state, we might as well have a European style rail system to go with it. I VOTE YES.

Proposition 2: STANDARDS FOR CONFINING FARM ANIMALS. This initiative would help eliminate some (though not all) of the inhumane factory farm confinement procedures that should be offensive to anyone with a conscience. It's a matter of humanity. I VOTE YES.

Proposition 3: CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL BOND ACT. Putting the word "children" in the title doesn't change the fact that this is a bond measure. I VOTE NO.

Proposition 4: WAITING PERIOD AND PARENTAL NOTIFICATION BEFORE TERMINATION OF MINOR'S PREGNANCY. It wouldn't make much sense if I voted to protect farm animals, yet voted against protecting the unborn. I'm just sayin. I VOTE YES.

Proposition 5: NONVIOLENT DRUG OFFENSES. SENTENCING PAROLE AND REHABILITATION. Both law enforcement officials and DiFi are against this one. It must be bad. Although the title makes it sound benign, it's actually another unnecessary liberal interference in the criminal justice system. I VOTE NO.

Proposition 6: POLICE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT FUNDING. CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND LAWS. I checked out the revisions to the law in this lengthy bill, and I didn't see any problems. I was especially convinced by the addition of an exception to the hearsay rule for witness tampering. Essentially, the hearsay rule requires that witnesses testify in court, or not at all. But if a gang intimidates a witness into not appearing for trial, this law would allow a witness's previous out-of-court statement to be heard by the jury. I VOTE YES.

Proposition 7: RENEWABLE ENERGY GENERATION. I don't like excessive government meddling in the energy business. Here, the government would mandate sources of energy and I think that is best left to the free market. I VOTE NO.

Proposition 8: ELIMINATES RIGHT OF SAME-SEX COUPLES TO MARRY. Vote your conscience on this one. The will of the people, not judges, should prevail. We are a democracy, at least for the time being. But remember, amending the California Constitution will not stop gay marriage, since it will still exist in other states. Nobody mentions this, but the "Full Faith and Credit" clause of the U.S. Constitution requires that a gay marriage recognized in one state must be recognized by all. So knock yourself out. If Proposition 8 passes, don't be surprised when a few years down the road five more judges rule it unconstitutional. NO RECOMMENDATION.

Proposition 9: CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. VICTIMS' RIGHTS. PAROLE. This is more tinkering with the criminal justice system, this time in favor of victims' rights. The clincher is that victims will have more of an opportunity to be heard at various events such as bail, plea, sentencing and parole hearings. And it establishes victim safety as a consideration in determining bail or release on parole. I'm all for that. I VOTE YES.

Proposition 10: ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES AND RENEWABLE ENERGY. BONDS. Another bond, so you know it's a no. But get this language: "Provides $3.425 billion to help consumers and others purchase certain high fuel economy or alternative fuel vehicles." Creeping socialism, I'm telling you. Next year, I'm thinking of introducing a bond measure that will provide 3.4 billion dollars to help us all get new blu-ray players. That would be nice, wouldn't it? I VOTE NO.

Proposition 11: REDISTRICTING. This initiative would take control of redistricting out of the hands of the politicians and give it to people who would most likely be selected and receive bribes from those same politicians. Still, something needs to be done about redistricting, and I'm willing to give anything other than our current system (where legislators get to gerrymander their own districts to ensure their own re-election) a try. I VOTE YES.

Proposition 12: VETERANS BOND ACT OF 2008. Surprise again. I guess I'm feeling generous because at first I was going to stick to my rule against bonds. But I see this is a measure to provide low interest home loans for veterans. I think veterans are a good risk, and plus we're involved in two foreign wars right now and we're going to owe our veterans big time as they return home after keeping us safe. I VOTE YES.

That's it. Feel free to print this page out and wave it proudly as you enter the voting booth on Tuesday.

* I have an easy way to decide most bond issues. I vote no as a rule on every bond measure, no matter how tempting it sounds, except for prison bonds, which I always vote yes on. It seems to me that bond measures are a way for Sacramento to spend beyond its means, even though excessive spending is our biggest problem. My philosophy is that the legislature should do its job, cut spending and have sensible priorities, so we won't have to rely on bonds to get things done.

Posted by annika, Nov. 2, 2008 | TrackBack (0)
Rubric: annikapunditry


Thank God! I was either going to have to figure it out myself, or rely on that POS email Shelly sent me. You've just saved all those stupid fucks who go to the polls on election day like me, in line behind me, a very long wait. Muchos Grassyass! I will vote the straight Annikan ticket.

Posted by: Casca on Nov. 2, 2008

Just a belated note to say it's good to see you back in business.


Posted by: Kevin Kim on Nov. 2, 2008

Wuhoh, I've only read the first two, and I have to deviate from the prime directive! High speed rail? Fuck that. If you want to see the scenic view drive or take the freakin' AMTRAC. If you want to get there cheap, hop on Southworst.

Humane confinement? Since I grew up in farm country, and know this issue well, I have to tell you that your head is up your ass gurlfren. This is all about putting California poultry operations out of business. Farmers do what is best for their animals. Kibbutzing liberals do not.

No recommendation on 8? Your brain has gone soft.

The people who'll get the power to gerrymander on 11 will be the same people who do the work behind the scenes now. Keep the legislature responsible for their criminality.

Still, I appreciate your effort.

Posted by: Casca on Nov. 2, 2008

I would vote against 1A as California is broke and high speed rail is a black hole for money.

Besides no one in their right mind would buy these bonds.

Posted by: Jake on Nov. 2, 2008

High-speed rail and pregnant pigs? Why that sounds just like...the poster-children for the endless laundry-list of BS known as the Florida Constitution. Seriously, it's exactly those two things, imported wholesale from my beloved Sunshine State: enjoy!

"...if a gang intimidates a witness into not appearing for trial, this law would allow a witness's previous out-of-court statement to be heard by the jury."

Nice idea, but good luck with the Sixth Amendment challenges on that one.

"The clincher is that victims will have more of an opportunity to be heard at various events such as bail, plea, sentencing and parole hearings."

Hopefully it's tighter than Florida's, but I tend to think there's a model victim's rights amendment floating around and not particularly well-drafted. The case law construing our state constitutional victim's rights basically says they have rights, but if the trial court ignores those rights, it's harmless error, unless it imposes what would otherwise be an illegal sentence anyway.

Posted by: Dave J on Nov. 2, 2008

Sure, it's nice that someone tells me how to vote.

What a bunch of sheep!!!!!!!! hahahahaha

Posted by: Craig on Nov. 3, 2008

How about local judge's races, Madame Attorney?

No recomendations?

Posted by: shelly on Nov. 3, 2008

for judges, you're on your own. I don't live in LA county.

Posted by: annika on Nov. 3, 2008

You were so gracious to me after 2004; let me return the favor and wish you comfort on a bad night for your team.

And thanks for your yes vote on 2.

Posted by: Hugo Schwyzer on Nov. 4, 2008

Schwyzer, you fucking nitwit, do you know what happens when you pen chickens with room to spare? THEY PECK EACH OTHER TO DEATH! You idiots have just outlawed egg production in Kaliforneeya.

Posted by: Casca on Nov. 4, 2008

I may be a vegan, Casca, but I spent half my childhood on a family ranch with three dozen chickens (on average) which we kept in an enclosure and where they were able to wander about. No pecking to death. Only casualty was when the coyote got through the wire and took two off. I may be a liberal city dweller now, but I know my way around a farm -- and so, frankly, do a lot of folks who voted "yes on 2" -- look at the map, it includes rural counties.

Posted by: Hugo Schwyzer on Nov. 5, 2008

There are idiots everywhere. You must know that your limited experience has nothing to do with commercial egg production. Fucking vegans.

Posted by: Casca on Nov. 7, 2008

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