...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

March 29, 2007

McCain Was Almost A Democrat?

Who knows if this story is true? The source is two former Democratic lawmakers, who say that McCain's chief of staff approached them in 2001 about McCain switching parties. The chief of staff denies it, although he's now a Democrat himself, which is bad enough for McCain. Of course in these types of things, it doesn't really matter if the story is true, all that matters is that the story is out there, and it fits the narrative.

McCain may be done.

My prediction for the next big Republican drama: H. Ross Thompson. Will he or won't he? (Fuck everything up, that is.)

Posted by annika, Mar. 29, 2007 | TrackBack (0)
Rubric: annikapunditry


Does having a good candidate fuck things up? For who?

This race is a long way from the finish; how can our host justify leaving in 60 days (or less)?

Annie, you will have to answer to a higher authority. Maybe I should grade your Bar Exam answers?

Posted by: shelly on Mar. 29, 2007

That Perot reference almost went over my head.

Posted by: reagan80 on Mar. 29, 2007

McCain has to be a Democrat because MSM loves him. That disqualifies him from every job except for night watchman in a girls' dormitory.

Posted by: Jake on Mar. 29, 2007

I don't see that he can pull a Perot. If anything, he'll be a solid conservative candidate that the Republican base can finally rally around. He won't have the liberal social issues to face that McCain and Giuliani have, and the people who have no idea what his name is will remember his face from Law and Order.

I think Thompson may fuck things up for the current front runners, but only by the fact that he will sprint passed them both at the finish line.

Posted by: Frank on Mar. 29, 2007

Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt!

Posted by: Casca on Mar. 29, 2007

I'll tell you how H. Ross can fuck things up. According to the latest Fox News poll, he is already stealing 10% from the legitimate candidates, YET 53% of respondents never heard of him!

Posted by: annika on Mar. 29, 2007

My gut feeling is, he won't get into the race, but any of the front runners would do well to connvince him to be a running mate. Personally I am OK with either Giuliani or Romney. In a perfect world we get another Ronald Reagan, but it aint a perfect world. And either one would be a better president IMO than G W Bush.
I carried water for Bush because he was right on a few important issues, but the incompetance and fecklessness of this administration is horrible.

Posted by: kyle N on Mar. 30, 2007

Kyle, you also carried water for Bush because the alternatives (Gore, Kerry) were too horrible to imagine.

That's why most of us will support the Republican candidate this time around as well, because Shillary Ramrod will be too horrible to imagine as President of the United States of America.

Casca, Newt will be Secretary of State, and I predict, a great one. He has forgotten more history than most of our Secretaries ever knew.

But, sadly, he just isn't electable as President, maybe VP for Rudy might just work.

Posted by: shelly on Mar. 30, 2007

Shelly, don't let the CW wash what you know to be true out of your brain. It's too early to be predicting a winner, let alone who will be in the race. He's one televised Republican debate away from being the frontrunner.

Posted by: Casca on Mar. 30, 2007

Shelly's right.

Bush may have been possessed by LBJ, but the GOP has plenty of Nixon wannabes to replace him while the Dems only have McGovern-ites.

Posted by: reagan80 on Mar. 30, 2007

Hey all. Maybe it's the long hours I've been pulling, but I can't stop giggling when I think about my new dream ticket:

Newt & Joe. The lizard and the Jew. Raw, inside-the-beltway political effectiveness meets principled, independent respectibility. I like the combo so much I still don't know which one would be my prez & which would be my veep. It makes *such* a good t-shirt.

Between Obama & Hillary, democrats are getting all the "First [X] President Ever" attention. First Jewish president ever? First reptilian president ever? Can't beat that.

Posted by: max on Mar. 30, 2007

Still too early one way or another, except for those candidates that have dropped out. A number of candidates have come from the middle or back of the primary pack, i.e, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, for starters. What a circus we are in the midst of indeed.

Posted by: will on Mar. 30, 2007

I really hate it when Will is right.

Still too early to tell. (But, my bet regarding Newt still stands, Casca.)Rush just spent a few minutes talking about how the MSM is beginning to hammer Rudy. So, we will soon learn how firm his support actually is. (He's my preferred candidate, so I hope he survives.)

Another right-wing, Southern white boy ain't gonna cut this time folks. The Dems are either going to come with a female or a black on some part of their ticket. PC or not, our side needs to show a similar capacity to move beyond the standard red/blue tie, white male for both Prez and VP.

Be interesting to see how it all shakes out. Regardless, '08 is gonna be a tough sell for Reps - especially the way this war has been executed and is being portrayed by the media.

Posted by: blu on Mar. 30, 2007

Hillary/McCain vs. Giuliani/Thompson or Giuliani/Newt

who wins? ack.

re: kyle's comments on Bush: we don't have to revere Geo Bush as Geo Washington, yet, I believe, he will be very well regarded by history. He deserves better than to be casually dismissed. Perhaps you are too young to remember the venomous in office criticisms of Clinton, Bush I, and Reagan(!). I remember them. These Presidents were excoriated. Apparantly Jerry Ford as well. Now, having passed, both Reagan and Jerry Ford are respected as they never were while in office. The job is tough. DC is a nest of vipers. The electorate is fickle. We could be doing a lot worse, a LOT worse, than having Geo Bush in office.

Posted by: gcotharn on Mar. 30, 2007

"He deserves better than to be casually dismissed."

I agree.

However, he might have invented perpetual motion...

...in the form of Reagan spinning in his grave.

Posted by: reagan80 on Mar. 30, 2007
Countdown To The End Of Annika's Journal...Søndag 20 Maj 2007 23:59:59 [-08:00]

WTF? Why? Are you spending the summer groupying for Phish?

Posted by: Radical Redneck on Mar. 30, 2007

Where have you been, Red?

She has to study for the California Bar Exam. Three years of school and three months of prepping for three days of testing.

Pass rates usually in low 40's.

It is daunting to face; give the girl a break.

Posted by: shelly on Mar. 31, 2007


Sure, we coulda had Strom or an autistic child after that I'm ata loss unless you will admit Warner cartoon characters.

Posted by: strawman on Apr. 2, 2007