...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

June 19, 2006

Murtha Schmurtha

On Sunday, in response to a Tim Russert question, Representative Murtha actually suggested that we could have run the Zarqawi operation out of Okinawa.

What an idiot. Froggy at Blackfive does a beautiful job explaining why.

Apparently Murtha also believes that Somalia and Beirut are good models for the proper use of American military power. Or non-use, I should say. Murtha said, "in Beirut President Reagan changed direction, in Somalia President Clinton changed direction, and yet here, with the troops out there every day, suffering from these explosive devices, and being looked at as occupiers [blah blah blah]"

Let's follow that logic a bit. Murtha would have advised Washington to withdraw after Valley Forge; Madison to give up after the burning of the White House; Lincoln to throw in the towel after Bull Run, both of them; FDR to redeploy all troops to San Diego after Bataan; etc. etc. you get the picture.

How long must we wait until Murtha takes MacArthur's advice and just faaades away. Not soon enough, I say.

Posted by annika, Jun. 19, 2006 | TrackBack (0)
Rubric: annikapunditry


I had it tivo'd, could only watch about 10 minutes of it, I kept waiting to hear Russert give it to him...

Posted by: Scof on Jun. 19, 2006

The Dems put Murtha on TV because he served and, therefore, they think he's somehow bullet-proof. (The also know that the MSM will always lob Dems softballs.) I have no doubt he served honorably, but the guy is off his rocker, and his staff obviously sucks. How could they let him stand in front of a camera and use Somalia as an example when OBL cited Clinton's cut and run there as a huge boost to Islamofascism worldwide? (He said they saw us as weak and unwilling to sacrifice after only losing a few men. I guess they forgot they were dealing with a coward and political whore named Bill Clinton.)

Posted by: blu on Jun. 19, 2006

Murtha is just an example of the "Worst Generation",
(We are Stardust, we are golden..) a guy who learned all the wrong lessons from Vietnam.

Posted by: kyle8 on Jun. 19, 2006

Gents, it's not about the right or wrong strategy. Murtha, like all whores lacks principles, so he is free to be a demogogic demoncrat. He is quite simply prepared to rationalize and lie to feed his ego. He showed his hand when he announced for his party's leadership position in the house. He also showed how out-of-it he really is. A demoncrat majority in '06 is a pipedream, and as fantastic as his articulated "thought" on our troops in Iraq.

Posted by: Casca on Jun. 19, 2006

I'm w/Blu. I'm sick of Dems parading the logical fallacy that, for instance, because Kerry served, his leadership opinions automatically excellent, and are ineligible for criticism. I've seen smart people, like Susan Estrich, espouse this view on television.

Further, going beyond the above fallacy, Dems care not that others who served disagree with Kerry, or that other grieved military families disagree with Sheehan, or that other 9/11 families disagree with the 9/11 broads who are tactically promoting the Democratic Party.

Also, leftist insistence that we fight a pristine, perfect war is, frankly, racist. The left acts as if we are fighting apes - instead of humans who reason, plan, and adjust. Actually, apes may be too kind. The left acts as if we are fighting sheep. Except when they act as if we are fighting undefeatable extremists, who possess the rare ability to recreate multiple new extremists for every extremist who is slain.

Posted by: gcotharn on Jun. 19, 2006

Who better than Murtha to lead the "Cut and Run" club?

He's perfect; a military clone of Howard Dean!

Listen guys, be glad we've got folks like him to lead. What if it were someone with a facile mind and ability to convince, say, like William Jefferson Clinton?

Parties don't win elections; they lose them.

Thank the Lord for Murtha, Pelosi, Reid, Kerry and Kennedy. Without them, we might actually lose the majority. Let's keep these hacks in business.

Posted by: shelly on Jun. 20, 2006

Like I always say... If you could pick your enemies, who would they be?

Posted by: Casca on Jun. 20, 2006