...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

November 08, 2005

Californians Must Vote

If you are a Californian, you must vote today. The special election is the difference between changing things or giving up. Don't you give up. Vote for change. Unless of course, you like things the way they are in CA.

The cool thing is, if you haven't studied the propositions, don't worry. Just vote like i did.

Proposition 73: YES.

Proposition 74: YES.

Proposition 75: YES.

Proposition 76: YES.

Proposition 77: YES.

Proposition 78: YES.

Proposition 79: NO.

Proposition 80: NO.

Posted by annika, Nov. 8, 2005 | TrackBack (0)
Rubric: annikapunditry


Remember to tell your classmate who thinks you are betting the lottery that people who want to vote "No" on the Governor's props are supposed to vote tomorrow; only people voting "Yes" vote today.

Posted by: shelly on Nov. 8, 2005

Voted two weeks ago, straight Annika party line

Posted by: wayne on Nov. 8, 2005

i think you should go ahead and turn yourself into the FEC, i know this had to violdate some internet election rules.

Posted by: cube on Nov. 8, 2005

May I have the honor of announcing, Annie, that I cancelled your vote perfectly? And you cancelled mine...

Posted by: Hugo on Nov. 8, 2005

even on 73?

Posted by: annika on Nov. 8, 2005

Yes, Annie, even on 73.  Here's my post on the subject.

Posted by: Hugo on Nov. 8, 2005

After voting this morning I was excited to find that California actually gives you "I voted" stickers. Illinois (or at least Chicago) didn't while I lived there the past three years.

I voted for all of Schwarzenegger's big four proposals -- they all looked reasonable to me and I had a hard time figuring out what's so wrong about them (to watch the local commercials, you'd think he's trying to end the practice of paying public school teachers or something). I could not for the life of me figure out what 80 was talking about (might restrict customers' ability to switch from private electricity companies?? Huh?) so I voted against it.

The other day Arnold himself left a message on my answering machine. I felt pretty special for a couple minutes until I realized it was just a recording.

Posted by: The Law Fairy on Nov. 8, 2005

No, that was him. it sounded like a recording because he is actually a robot. A robot sent from the future in order to kill Sarah Connor.

Posted by: annika on Nov. 8, 2005

My only disagreement with you is that I voted against both 78 *and* 79 this morning. Personally, I think this issue can best be addressed at the Federal level; if the FDA supports the purchase of prescriptions from countries with reliable drug testing policies, then (surprise!) US prescription prices will come down.

Posted by: Ontario Emperor on Nov. 8, 2005

Regarding Prop 73 and Hugo's post: I'm not buying the abortioin lobby's BS on this. Minors should not be able to get surgery that can potentially kill them and that may leave them psychologically scared without the consent of their parents. Period. And, Hugo, reading your post and how a baby might have inconvenienced you and your girlfriend was nothing less than sickening. Hmmm, this baby might put my college off a whole year. Well...fuck that, let's kill the thing. You claim to be Christian, right? Any other types of murder you go along with so as not to inconvenience anybody? And don't give me any crap about long, guilty walks on the beach. Murder is murder no matter how you want to dress it up and make it look all fucking heroic.

We don't allow minors to smoke, drink, vote, or any number of activities because we realize that they have not matured sufficiently to make these decisions for themselves. That is why they are called children and have adult parents to help guide and direct them. There are many kids out there with very good relationships with their parents that will, nevertheless, still attempt to consume alcohol or use drugs. So, the argument about "having a good relationship with the minors parents" is crap. Kids make stupid, impulsive choices all the time regardless of the relationship that they have with their parents. And in our society, children don't just get to do whatever they feel like. Until they are adults, parents have the right and duty to help make all decisions involving their children. Unfortunately, though, Hugo and millions of other Californians believe we ought to allow children to make life and death decisions regarding the life of unborn children.

Children are not adults and the Government is not a parent. I consider a no vote on 73 to be immoral.

Posted by: Blu on Nov. 8, 2005

I am confused on 73. Perhaps you can give me some insight on how to vote on that proposition. I am trying to gather as much info as I can from both the left and the right. I have troubled feelings about that one.


Posted by: D on Nov. 8, 2005

I am confused on 73. Perhaps you can give me some insight on how to vote on that proposition. I usually disagre with what you have to say but sometimes you can be convincing! I am trying to gather as much info as I can from both the left and the right. I have troubled feelings about that one.


Posted by: D on Nov. 8, 2005

Blu, I've spent twenty years dealing with the aftermath of that decision. No one -- no one -- chooses abortion lightly. As I implied in my post, I pushed for a different choice. But once my girlfriend had made that choice, I supported her unconditionally. I take full responsibility for it.

In an ideal world, teen girls would not get pregnant. In an ideal world, when they did, they would be able to approach mom and dad for guidance. But we aren't in that world, and with reluctance and ambivalence, I voted No on 73.

But I predict it will pass by a fairly comfortable margin, so you shall have your victory soon enough.


Posted by: Hugo on Nov. 8, 2005

I hope you are right, Hugo, but I suspect you are not. I'm pretty certain that the polls showed it being defeated. Maybe, though, I missed something.

Yes, it would be ideal if every child wanted to seek out the wisdom and guidance of his or her parents. However, that is not likley. Again, they are children. Children routinely make bad choices and mistakes. Often when they make mistakes, they don't want to face mom or dad. But what a child wants is not really relevant. What is relevant is what is best for the child and for society generally. I believe it is better for children and society, generally, if parents are informed about their children's activities and participate in the choices that their children make. Indeed, sometimes it may be necessary for the parent to make a decision for a child.

Just because the world is not a perfect place such that children do not always seek out parental guidance and wisdom, it does not follow that we as a society should not try to do what is best no matter that we can not achieve anything near perfection. Parents ought to have the right to directly influence the lives and decision-making of their children.

Posted by: Blu on Nov. 8, 2005

It is obscene and evil to destroy the innocent creation of God.

I have followed your instructions Mistress Annika.

Posted by: Casca on Nov. 8, 2005

Looks like all the propositions are going down. Shame about 75. Good riddance to 80.

Posted by: Pixy Misa on Nov. 9, 2005

Four of the five Ohio propositions - the Soros-backed "Reform Ohio Now" ones - also failed, and by huge margins.

In Australia, almost all propositions brought to referendum are rejected. Or if the government tries to get sneaky and changes the wording around, approved in favour of not doing what the government wanted.

How much of a factor that is in the States I'm not sure.

Posted by: Pixy Misa on Nov. 9, 2005

"No one -- no one -- chooses abortion lightly."

Not true. Some women have multiple abortions in a life time. Most don't choose abortion lightly, but some do. And you might as well not start bad hapbits early as far as I an concerned.

Posted by: cube on Nov. 9, 2005