...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

July 14, 2005

Boycott San Francisco

So say Michelle Malkin, Gaypatriot and Gryphmon, who is all over this story.

Today the SF Board of Supervisors engaged in an offensive display of prejudice, stupidity and a lack of respect for history, both of the military and of the gay community.
'The San Francisco Board of Supervisors today voted 3-8 against a resolution urging the San Francisco Congressional Delegation to support the permanent berthing of the USS Iowa as a museum at the Port of San Francisco.'
I'm sorry, but I will not ever visit a place where the US military is not welcome.
Even my best liberal friend in San Francisco, Franci, is outraged at this. What the hell is going on over there? Are they going to get rid of the U.S.S. Pampanito next?

Posted by annika, Jul. 14, 2005 | TrackBack (0)
Rubric: annikapunditry


not only that, I hate the Sixty Niners, er.. Forty niners.

Posted by: Kyle on Jul. 14, 2005

There is a reason why the Navy has no active ships stationed in the city by the bay. A pal of mine helped write the study that said, "Move everything to where it's warm".

As for the Iowa, she should be parked in Iowa, or Cleveland, one or the other.

Posted by: Casca on Jul. 14, 2005

The gals at EIMC are right there with you for this boycott!

Posted by: Greta Perry on Jul. 15, 2005