...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

November 01, 2004

Notes On Watching CSPAN

Why was George Bush's last campaign stop in Dallas, while John Kerry's last campaign stop was in Ohio? What does that tell you?

That both the President and his challenger share my confidence in a Bush victory.

Why was the one random crowd voice i could hear while Bush was shaking hands after his rally saying "we love you George Bush," while the one random voice i could hear while Kerry shook hands after his rally said "tell Bush to fuck off." What does that tell you?

That no one should discount the number of people who love this President, nor that Kerry voters are motivated by negativity.

Posted by annika, Nov. 1, 2004 |
Rubric: annikapunditry


Hey Girl

I hope to meet you at the Sac GOP/Dan Lungren Victory Party at the Lungren HQ in Folsom tonight. It's adjacent to the Folsom Movie theatre at the outlet mall. Starts at 8pm.

The Irishlass

Posted by: irishlass on Nov. 2, 2004

Early returns are depressing; try to not look until the suburbs start coming in, as most early returns are urban precincts.

Frankly, it looks pretty grim for the good guys right now. See below:

Kerry = + numbers

FL +4
OH +5
MI +4
PA +16
IA +2
WI +5
MN +15
NV Bush up 1
NM tied at 49
CO Bush up 1
VA Bush up 1
NC Bush up 5

Posted by: shelly on Nov. 2, 2004

I pray you're right!

Posted by: michele on Nov. 2, 2004

Wrong again, the last stop was making phone calls in Ohio, doesn't sound too confident to me. He is scared, not confident. He would like to sit for 7 or 8 min with his glazed, goofy look, waiting for someone to tell him what to do.

And Yelling for Bush to fuck off is exhilarating! What has the emmense outpouring of hate for this man told you?

The man is a tough school yard bully, brawn and immense insecurity, and shallow intelect, very shallow.

Posted by: mike on Nov. 2, 2004

"What has the emmense outpouring of hate for this man told you?"

It means there are plenty of sore losers that haven't gotten over the 2000 election.

Bush didn't steal the election this time either if the popular vote results so far are any indication.

Boo yah! Kerry lost by over 3 million votes! Bush is legitimate!!! The ghost of 2000 can die now........


Posted by: reagan80 on Nov. 3, 2004