...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

May 25, 2004

Elena Is A Hoax?

Rocket Jones links to a report that Elena, the Chernobyl motorcycle chick, is a hoax.

Posted by annika, May. 25, 2004 |
Rubric: On The Blogosphere


i dont care if she went through on a horse, the pictures were still great..and scary.

Posted by: jimi on May. 25, 2004

She/They did a great job though... you have to give them that.

Posted by: Madfish Willie on May. 26, 2004

I was going to email you about this, Annika, since I originally cribbed the Elena link from you. I had a guy swing by and comment on an entry with the link to the Urban Exploration forum. Like Jimi and Madfish Willie imply, the gnashing of teeth over the accuracy of Elena's story seems to be missing the greater point of the effect of its story, which is independent of its authenticity. After engaging in a dialogue with my commenter, while initially interested in hearing about the UE forum claims, I'm finding it a little weird that he's conducting a Google debunking campaign. I can't quite figure out his angle.

Posted by: Todd on May. 26, 2004

Government officials are trying to discredit her. Story is not a hoax. The official death toll is 30 people and Elena showed a human side of Chernobyl tragedy. Better take a look at her new story, very good read if you love history

Posted by: Michael Parker on Sep. 28, 2004

Better take a look at her new story, very good read if you love history good

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