...it's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there...

March 15, 2004

Spain 2

My head hurts a bit this morning form a few too many bottles of Pacifico last night. i'm reading stuff on the internet instead of getting to work. There seems to be a lack of good analysis on the Spain thing, which i can understand; i myself can't seem to put together a coherent post on it. The lefties are having no problems though. Guys like fisk are positively gleeful. On the right, NRO is more subdued.

Lesson: terrorism can work. Prediction: therefore expect more of it. Expect more terrorism aimed at the United Kingdom, against Australia, against Poland, and – ultimately – against the United States. For the terrorists must now wonder: If murder can influence elections in Spain – why not in the United States?

In the United States, the terrorists have to make a very fine calculation: Which would hurt President Bush, their supereme enemy, more – to attack or not to attack?

i think we can expect attacks in GB, perhaps Australia. And i wouldn't want to be anywhere near Pakistan the next time they have an election. i don't think the bastards have the guts or the resources to infiltrate Poland. What about here? After 3/11, i would be very surprised if there were not some attempt to influence our own election with an attack a few days before November second. Would it have the desired effect? At this point, i wouldn't even want to guess.

Update: Thank God for the Australians, though.

Posted by annika, Mar. 15, 2004 |
Rubric: annikapunditry


Same way in my posts about it, I found the belmont club has some good stuff though

Posted by: Scof on Mar. 15, 2004


I don't know if you make it a habit to read Dan Darling of Regnum Crucis, but his analyses are deep and detailed (if overly populated with run-ons and typos). He's one of my best sources for terrorism analysis, and an almost-daily read.


Posted by: Kevin Kim on Mar. 15, 2004

DVD to Pocket PC

Posted by: fjdh on Aug. 24, 2009